How To Be Extra on IG
Deb shares some tips that she frequently uses herself especially after the font update on IG stories. These tips will update you on some classic and newer features that you can utilize when making a story.
What’s In It For You: Tips on how to be “Extra” on your story starting with more tame tips to super spicy fun add ons. Add a tag to let your fav brand or friend know that you shared their post, be sure to stick to one font, utilize your brands signature colors
Why Should You Care: There is a benefit to consistency, although these tips are “extra” they will keep your brand’s identity tight and easy for people to recognize and read.
How To Get It: When resharing a post onto your story, replace the tag at the bottom of the post with a written tag so the user is notified and viewers can click and interact with their page. Keep the font that you are using on the story consistent, some are easier to read than others. Save a photo of your brand’s signature colors and when selecting colors for fonts and backgrounds of your post, pull that in while you're working and select the correct colors from that template to keep things consistent!